Louie gets his Wheelchair

Having a huge dog like Louie adds the burden of worrying about his remaining legs joint and the damage that may occur over time while he hops on it. Louie is doing pretty well hopping here and there and I think it’s good for him to get the exercise however, we finally got him a wheely from Eddie’s Wheels.



We are still making adjustments and if you could see his face you would know that learning to wheel around in a wheely isn’t something that comes easy. Dr Palmquist thought the wheels were set too forward and the yoke was too high. We will need to make adjustments and watch Louie’s progress as he moves along.

We had such high hopes that he would enjoy his wheely but be warned before you spend 800 dollars, learning to wheel down the road isn’t always easy

Author: belai123

Louie is a 6 1/2 year old who was diagnosed with OS cancer in his front leg in June 2012. He had his leg amputated Aug 2012. We decided no chemo and he is instead taking herbs prescribed by Dr Palmquist in Inglewood, CA. The holistic care for cancer prescribes to the idea that if you treat the immune system, the liver and overall health of the body, the body then can fight the cancer or disease. Louie is going strong and we are working on getting his body strong enough to take him to visit the Cancer patients, especially the children, at the Loma Linda Hospital to encourage them to believe! Our motto is "Surviving Cancer one herb at a time"! Louie is also taking Artemisinin to attack whatever cancer cells he might have.

2 thoughts on “Louie gets his Wheelchair”

  1. Good luck, Louie! Keep on truckin’…or better yet, rollin’. You have such a nice mom to help you out and keep your body at its best. Great work, you handsome pup!

  2. Hang in there Louie, I know you guys will get there. Please keep us posted on how things are moving along, I know there are lots of Tripawds who are curious about how wheelchairs work.

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